New PSA Shows How Quality Lawyers Can Improve Outcomes for Foster Youth

Juvenile Law Center,

"Imagine a stranger showed up at your house and told you, 'Get your stuff, we're moving you.' Imagine suddenly being taken away from your family, possibly forever. Imagine having no understanding of what's happening, and no way of telling the adults around you what you want or need. Foster kids don't have to imagine it. They're living it every day."

This PSA from the American Bar Association Children's Rights Litigation Committee (CRLC), on which Juvenile Law Center Associate Director Lourdes Rosado serves as co-chair, makes clear the importance of why children—especially those in the child welfare system—need lawyers. Lawyers can improve outcomes for foster youth and help them to secure a permanent home faster. 


The CRLC is engaged in a multiyear project to ensure that every child involved in an abuse and neglect case is appointed a quality lawyer. Visit the ABA's "Fostering Justice" page for more information on a child's right to counsel. 

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Nancy Gertner and Andre Davis, The Baltimore Banner •