Gov. Wolf Announces Creation of New Juvenile Justice Task Force

Jensen Toussaint, Al Dia News •

Since 1975, Juvenile Law Center, the nation’s oldest non-profit, public interest law firm for children, has led the way in helping substantially shape the development of law and policy on behalf of youth in the U.S. through litigation, appellate advocacy, public education, training, consulting and more.

Jessica Feierman, senior managing director at Juvenile Law Center, said she hopes the new task force will help further create opportunities for transformative change in Pennsylvania’s juvenile justice system.

“We need a system that prioritizes serving young people in their homes and communities, not incarcerating them – and we need a system that ensures equitable treatment of all youth,” said Feierman. “We urge the Governor to ensure meaningful participation of young people with experience in the justice system and their families in the Task Force.” 

About the Expert

Jessica Feierman oversees Juvenile Law Center’s projects and programs. Feierman currently leads a national effort to end fines and fees in the juvenile justice system and is engaged in litigation aimed at eliminating solitary confinement and other abusive practices in juvenile facilities.