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Blog post
Juvenile Law Center,

Medicaid to 26 is a provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which has allowed foster youth to stay insured after they leave care. It provides parity with other young people who have the option of staying on their parents’ plans until they are 26. This significant policy win has ensured that young people in vulnerable positions who need basic insurance and may experience health issues and/or disabilities have access to care.

Blog post
Executive Director, Susan V. Mangold; Deputy Director and Chief Counsel, Marsha Levick,

Happy New Year! While we are preparing to confront new challenges in 2017, we ended 2016 with some important wins in some of our key issue areas: reducing transfer to adult court, ending juvenile life-without-parole and other extreme sentencing, and improving educational access and success for foster youth and justice system-involved youth.

Blog post
Juvenile Law Center,

We asked older youth and young adults about their thoughts on finding family and on adoption. Below are the insights of Jason, 24 (pictured above with his parents), who is currently in law school and an advocate for youth in foster care. He was adopted at age 23 and speaks compellingly of the importance of family and the joy he has experienced from being part of a family.